Myths of Creativity-- David Burkus

Notes from Myths of Creativity by David Burkus 



Burkus cites: 

Teresa M. Amabile, Harvard University Business school: 


Believes creativity is a source of innovation but creativity is not enough


She defines componential model of creativity


1.  domain relevant skills--expertise experience and knowledge on a set of skills more job

2. creativity relevant processes--methods people use por approaches people take two problems that result in ideas

3. task motivation--willingness to do work sometimes just for the satisfaction of it

4. the surrounding social environment--how does the environment enable idea sharing to happen


Creativity and Innovation in Organizations:





The adjacent possible is a theory around innovation that explains why met multiple significant inventions happen all at once


This idea states that inventions do not come just from the creative genius of one person


But in fact there are probably several people within any society who are working on an idea and have the talents to come up with the idea


Technological societal and cultural variables have to come together and when they align that idea arrives


This can be seen with multiple people inventing the telescope at the same time multiple people inventing the telephone at the same time live nets and Newton both inventing calculus at the same time




Burkus book talks about research on Broadway Plays


One of the authors name is Spiro


They find that collaboration is important and creativity for Broadway Plays


More frequent collaboration results in more creativity and success


However this is only true up to a certain point


After a number of other collaborations the partnerships become less successful


The more collaborations the more efficient the communication but there appears to be a loss and creativity because the partners are drawing from similar backgrounds and unified experience


There reaches a point where a collaborator needs to find somebody new to get new ideas


Thus there is a trade-off in communication efficiency and creativity